In an earlier post
I took note of Hard Spell and Evil Dark, two urban fantasy novels by Justin Gustainis. I was very enthusiastic about them, and so I said that I was looking forward to the next title in the series. Well, Known Devil is available now, and it was no disappointment.
Stan Markowski, an officer in the Scranton PD's Occult Crimes Unit, is once again on the case. There's a new drug on the street called Slide, and it's been designed to hook supes, which is a major headache for the OCU, since up to now only goblins have been susceptible to drug addiction. Bombs start going off as out-of-town mobsters try to take over the local action, but the locals aren't going to give up without a fight. It's a turf war between rival gangs of vampires! To make matters worse, there are nefarious developments in local politics as the Patriot Party tries to stir up a race war against supes. In short, life on the mean streets of Scranton is totally FUBAR. Markowski learns, much to his chagrin, the truth of the saying that the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know.
I greatly enjoyed Known Devil. It's all in good fun, but once again not really suitable for children because of the graphic adult language. I've read all three books in the series

If you haven't yet read any of the titles in the series, I recommend that you read them in the order of their publication, i.e., Hard Spell followed by Evil Dark followed by Known Devil. You could read them out of order, but then you'd spoil a few of the surprises.
One last thing. Somebody somewhere must have bought the film rights by now. When can we expect to see Stan Markowski on the big screen?